Wednesday, 29 September 2010

B is for .... Bags...... Edenhouse

B is for .....................................

Bags ,Bags, Bags I seem to live my working day out of bags especially on a Tuesday .
First there is my Handbag a gift from a friend .

Now I can fit an A4 folder in here brilliant for work especially on club nights . I can also fit a purse, water bottle and numerous other essential items it's enourmous.

Now Tuesdays is a crazy bag day firstly I have to organise the Let's get cooking stuff. This is  obviously a cooking club. We are only on week 3 of 6 so not to bad I will swap at half term with a new leader for the next 6 weeks.
I still have to buy fresh produce, this week we made Pizzas so there was dough that I had made at home ( the students made some last week so did not need to relearn this skill) , passata, cheese , salami, peppers , mushrooms ,onions and a roll of foil.
On top of this I also have a bag of Tea towels clean in the morning dirty at the end of the day.

I also have to take a swim bag on a Tuesday as its school swimming lessons
This was a gift from my Aunts cruise with her amazing sister last autumn

Then there is my camera bag. I would really like a backpack for my camera but they are mega expensive so my little bag will continue in service as it does an ok job of protecting my camera.

Then there is a Monday when I have Rainbows this is my standard bag it has all my basic requirments for an evening
I normally end up taking one or two extra bags for the evenings activities.

And then finally there is the bag of bags.

Why is it that I seem to shop and NEVER remember to take the bags.
I do use some of them for rubbish but mostly they just pile up in the bag.
I sometimes take a bag of them to the charity or health shop .

Oh how can I forget the humble tea bag a necessity in life.

Then there is the essential dog walking bags

So as you see my life is surrounded by bags of one sort or another.

Anyway enough of this baggage I am off to see what other people have come up with in Jenny's class this week. Please visit other people .


Have to add another bag I love. When AJ comes to visit she always brings goodies. This time it was Fresh runner beans for me to slice and freeze plus fresh spinach and bags of soup and damson Couli. Not to mention 4 BIG bottles of damson gin.
So I think it is fair to say I like bags


Cheryl D. said...

Wow, you are a bag lady! Hehe! That is a lot of bags you have! They're pretty reflective of a very busy life.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of bags to keep track.

Teresa said...

Very creative B post. I too always forget to take the bags back to be recycled. It's amazing how quickly they add up!

Jenny said...

Wow. What a trip complete with lots and lots of bags!

This was a clever post this week, Tracy. I like the little snippets about your life interspersed with the different bags.

You seem so busy and happy these days!

I'm glad for you!

Thank you for linking to Alphabe-Thursday.


Brenda said...

We do seem to have a lot of bags in our lives. I have bought a few of the re-usable grocery bags from the stores they represent. They have been useful when it comes time to tote things to my daughters homes.

Jo said...

oh geez what a clever post ... i also seem to use a lot of bags ... the tea and doggie bags are essential

Sue McPeak said...

My goodness, you are the ultimate Bag Lady! Cute post with daily baggage! It's always good to have a bag for every occasion...even the trash.

Annesphamily said...

I love all your bags! Very cool! I am so happy I stopped by.Come join me soon. Anne

Shiju Sugunan said...

Lot of bags. Do you also carry a bag of tricks? LOL

Stef said...

I have a few of those bags. Not to mention the bags under my eyes. But those are the type of bags I would love to get rid of...just like the bag or all bags!
(Visiting from ABC Thursay)

Alison W said...

I love how all of the bags show the various parts of your life. Very creative letter 'B' - thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Bags of fun here! My mum's 'weakness was hand bags. She always had to have a new one for the summer!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I'm a bag lady too! Don't be too anxious to get a backpack for your camera. I just bought one with a fancy new tripod and, although I love the tripod, the camera bag is just too big and bulky to carry everyday...

Susan Anderson said...

Nice bag collection. ;)

I have an assortment of them myself, and I never remember to make mine to the grocery store, I keep ending up with more.


Cheryl said...

Ah, a kindred soul. I have more canvas than any human will ever need. I don't much care about my handbag or camera bag, but my canvas, those are special.

Mary said...

I have almost as many bags, but not so nearly as organized! The humble tea bag is my favorite :-)

Pondside said...

I like to imagine myself with one perfect, soft leather bag - goes with everything, appropriate nearly anywhere. What I have is a nylon back pack sort of bag that goes with nothing, holds everything and is like my office.
Great collection you have!

Terra said...

I have a lot of baggage too..

Oh you said BAGS...

I was just kidding anyway - about the bags not the baggage that is.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

These bags are fantastic!
Happy Thursday!