Thursday 8 May 2008

This is the first Blog from Eden House

Well here goes I am copying my cousin Krista here , she started blogging couple of weeks ago and I have enjoyed keeping upto date with whats happening.

I know I will not blog daily (phew I hear you say) We just do not have that an exciting life.

Ok here goes for news this week.

Ian is working as hard as ever leaving at 6am and home again at 6.30pm but he loves the job.

I am back at work hate the job and looking for something new to keep the old grey matter working . I am also really enjoying my role as a Rainbow guider (baby brownies part of girl guiding )

Becky & Carl came over for supper last night they are both really looking forward to their trip to Malta on 16th May and getting planning permission for their home extension.

Liz is home right now for study leave and has picked some hours up at the local care home she works in. Looking forward to finishing her degree in Sept (I think) Her other half James and Liz are looking for a home for them both.

Chris is still working hard at Morrisons supermarket whilst waiting for police application to be processed. He and Gemma are off to Egypt in Nov.

Hannah well she is busy doing everything including learning to drive.

This week end Aunt Jean is coming over and we will be attacking the garden and then going out for dinner with another couple to celebrate ( belatedly ) her birthday. I know Jean is relly looking forward to moving into her new cottage.

well I guess thats all for now

hope you not to bored by this

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need some pictures! So glad you're doing this!