Saturday 13 December 2008

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree how lovely are your............Part 1

Today is the day we went to buy the tree. A bit earlier than normal lets hope the needles are still attached on Christmas day .

Off we went in two cars to Chris Ashley's farm to choose our tree.

Chris Ashley Mr Christmas tree

We did the look around the ones already cut nothing suitable .

Next came the do we wait for the tractor or just walk to trees , we walked and Christopher found THE PERFECT tree for us.

But that was not until the annual cry of too big to small ,to fat, to thin ,not bushy, enough no branches at the top etc etc .

This tree was too small but who knows maybe Christmas 2012 it might be ready.

I have to say I did have a momentary thought of murderers as the woodcutter approached and started to cut our tree down.

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