Friday, 21 October 2011

This week

T2 MRI image with spinal stenosis at L3/L4 causing bilateral claudicant lower limb pain , aching left knee and 20% disability score on Oswestry scale

This not my spine but similar to mine apparently

I was relieved that there is light at the end of the tunnel,
I was extremely pleased that I should be able to get rid of the catheter
I was not so impressed when they said I had the spine of a 70 year old, just glad I do not have the wrinkles to match.

The next thing I  want to share  (not literally)   is this   Chocolate web site.
I was very lucky and received chocolate from work today from Booja Booja all I can say is yummy  and sorry AJ think they will all be gone before I see you.
The good thing is that they are gluten free as well.

 My Favourite shop has just launched a web site. I cant rate it highly enough 10/10 all the way. It is so lovely  having a shop that  sells good quality gifts ranging in  prices from £5.

The next  place I want to share with you is  .fordhallfarm a local farm that has the most amazing tea room. Tea room does not do it justice I had a brilliant lunch there go see for yourself

I have shared these places because I think it is so important to  support local businesses.

I am also very happy that this week my wonderful cousin started a job in Spokane so deserved and such an answer to prayer.

well thats for this week off to sew.

1 comment:

H said...

Getting rid of the catheter must be a huge relief.

Supporting local businesses is a good move. I agree totally :)