Wednesday, 16 November 2011

C is for ......................

Ok I am now on week C of Alphabet Thursday from Jenny over at alphabe-thursdays
It has been hard to decide what to focus on this time round , the most obvious is Christmas preperation , but I know that you American readers have to deal with Thanksgiving first.

Oh to heck with it Christmas it is . I love Christmas  and to be honest I am the biggest kid around here.

Obviously Christmas is time for gifts and traditions , with each family having their own unique traditions.

From when our children were very young we used to go to church on Christmas eve, partly because we wanted to but also we were church wardens for a short while.
There was always a pillow present when the children went to bed  funnily enough it was always new PJ's and still is to this day.

Christmas day was the usual stockings , breakfast, presents church food , presents and phone calls.

One of the children decided that we should putr candles on the cake and sing happy birthday to Jesus , and to be honest it feels the right thing to do.

A few years ago I had a thought that we all give and recieve presents at christmas, but how many people actually know  Jesus.

If a non christian gives and recieves a present at this time its a bit like giving a present to a total stranger.
Please don't get me wrong I am not wanting to spouil everybodies enjoyment but please give a thought to the reason for the season

Please pop by and visit Jenny and see what other readers have been inspired to create


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love your c post! I am getting excited for Christmas. Can't wait to put up the tree and start baking!!!!

Diane said...

Amen. Jesus is the reason! I have an ornament that says that. :)

anitamombanita said...

I love Christmas for what it should be. I can't stand how commercial it's become, so I'm totally conflicted each year from Thanksgiving to New Years. But it's all good and I manage to work it out. :)

Stacia said...

I love Christmas! My kids are finally old enough to "get it," and seeing it through their eyes is wonderful.

Unknown said...

I'm excited about Christmas too! More so this year because we will be flying home to be with our families :) There's nothing worse than being thousands of miles away from the people you love during this time of the year and I'm so very happy that I get to spend Christmas with them.

Lola said...

Lovely post - puts me in the mood!

Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you again soon.

Anonymous said...

I was just working on ornaments this morning!

Susan Anderson said...

I'm all about this season.

AND the reason.


21 Wits said...

Oh no, say I haven't missed turkey day already! Merry happy C post!

Wanda said...

New PJs and a small gift, usually a story book, were always Christmas Eve traditions at our house. I must say, I miss those simple days.

Sandy said...

Being an American I love Thanksgiving but this year I sort of by passed and put up Christmas decorations last week, not the tree but did the house... my neighbors look at me a bit odd but who cares!
I love Christmas!
Great Post

Pondside said...

Just a couple of weeks before I start to bake and decorate. The best Christmas is a quiet, homemade Christmas.

Raw Thoughts And Feelings said...

I am at a lost this year with the holidays fast coming, but getting excited with Christmas..

Gattina said...

Having been on holidays with Palmtrees heat and flowers, I am far from thinking about Christmas for the moment, lol !

Unknown said...

Christmas seems to start earlier & earlier every year as the businesses try to gain what they can, it's crazy! That & the fact that it's become what it has since its no longer ok to celebrate it as we have in the past, you have rotine it down in most places so as not to offend those that don't celebrate it..... as if they are so fragile that they will explode at the mere sight.... my how the world does change.... not always for the better.

Jenny said...

I refuse to put up any Christmas decorations until mid-December, although the stores and the neighbors are already at it full force!

Thanks for a happy link to the letter "C"!

It's always fun to see what you think up, Miss Tracy.

Hugs and A+