WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 50 words.
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.Ok these are the instructions from Jenny over at jenny matlock
So here goes this is the prompt
We had seen the tree at the Christmas market and I had commented how lovely it was. Unbeknown to me the friend I was with had bought it for me , luckily I took this picture before the house rabbit ate it.
Merry Christmas to the rabbit:@)
Ooooh...I didn't know rabbits ate meat! Learn something new everyday! "Hoppy" holidays to you and your furry friend.
Is that an Italian rabbit you've got over there??
That rabbit was a great touch!!!
Was the house rabbit the size of Bridget Jones?....great one.
Oh do you have one of those silly house rabbits too! Very cool!
Lucky rabbit!!
LOL, I could just imagine them having a tree just like that at the market. Good job.
Hello there. I came across from Andy's poetry blog. You sounded lonely so I wanted to give you a warm Aussie hug!
I am the founder of RomanticFridayWriters and we have a lot of fun together as you seem to be doing here. We always welcome writers of all levels to write a short piece/poem under 400 words.
Love the Christmas tree. Darned rabbit!
Happy Christmas and I hope you dreams all come true!
haha...our rabbit loves chocolate, but I've never seen him show ANY interest in meaty things...too funny.
hahaha. what a nice friend you have. :)
That house rabbit wouldn't happen to be a friend of Jimmy Stewart, would he?
I think I would have had to snag a piece of salami first!
Cute post Tracy.
Really creative!
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