Saturday, 31 December 2011

Granma announcement meets Saturday Centus

Ok It is Saturday Centus again.

THE PROMPT THIS WEEK IS: Resolution! Schmezolution!

WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 100 words plus the 2 words of the prompt. 102 words total.



For me this is tricky as I am trying to do two things at once now as I am femail this should be easy peasy here goes.

Granma announcement meets Saturday Centus

Resolution! Schmezolution is easy for me I am going to be the best Granma I can, to Harry John Cook born on Boxing day at 10.01pm weighing in at 7lb 8oz.

Harry John Cook

I can’t promise not to spoil him with cuddles and unconditional love but I feel this will easier than saying I am going to loose weight, although I hope to do lots of walking with him .So who knows this time next year I may be a slimmer Granma thanks to the arrival of a grandson..

Please pop over to see Jenny and see what other readers have to offer.

And Happy new year to ALL my readers


Bookie said...

Oh, what a sweet way full of hope to meet the new year!!!!

21 Wits said...

How very wonderful! ...and on Boxing Day too! Good for Harry! Welcome to you .....he's just adorable!

Susan Anderson said...

Awwww. What a cutie pie!

Easy to make good resolutions about being grandma to that little one...


PS. Happy New Year Grandma!

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, how precious! Congratulations!

Judie said...

Oh, what sweet fun for you! Congratulations!!

anitamombanita said...

Yay! Congrats and happy new year!!

Christine said...

Congrats, and spoiling is a Grandma's duty. Happy New Year!

Lynn said...

Congrats to you-enjoy every minute with your little cutie:@) said...

Congratulations! Have a wonderful New Year with your new little grand-angel.

Ames said...

Such a wonderful blessing! You are already having a wonderful 2012. Grandma. :D

Happy New year!~Ames

Unknown said...

What a sweet little boy! He makes any resolution worth the effort!
I'm so happy for you!
Kind regards,
Anna's SC Week 87

Gems said...

THE best post of the Centus EVER!!!!! Congratulations Gramma! Happy New Year xxx

Becka said...

What a sweet baby! We are expecting a great nephew this year, I'm so EXCITED! I can tell you about my "cyber" resolution, which is to (finally) get back in the blogging swing! My personal blog has suffered with very sporadic posts over the past couple of years...I cyber resolve to remedy this and post frequently and (hopefully) have a lot of friends following my blog again! You are invited to do so, of course!

Jenny said...

Oh Tracy. He is beautiful. Just beautiful.


Is there any better start to a New Year than the hope and joy of a new baby?

Hugs and happiness!